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(212) 289-3388
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FootCare Podiatry is a full service podiatry office. We offer comprehensive care
of all foot conditions. Dr. Bennett offers the care of a small town doctor in the big city.
Achilles Tendonitis
Achilles tendonitis causes inflammation and degeneration of the Achilles tendon. The Achilles tendon is a large tendon located at the back of the foot that inserts into the heel. The pain caused by Achilles tendonitis can develop gradually without a history of trauma. There are several different kinds of pains that are caused from Achilles tendonitis. Common examples of these pains are shooting pain, burning pain, or even an extremely piercing pain.
Arch Pain/Arch Strain
The term arch pain (often referred to as arch strain) refers to an inflammation and/or burning sensation at the arch of the foot.
Arthritis is a disease characterized by the inflammation of the cartilage and lining of the body's joints. There are many different types of arthritis. The most common type is called osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis causes excessive strain and the wearing away of cartilage in the joints of the foot. When someone has osteoarthritis movement of any kind is painful and difficult.
Athlete's Foot
Athlete's Foot is a fungal infection of the skin that causes scaling, flaking, and itching of affected areas. It is typically transmitted in moist areas where people walk barefoot, such as showers or bathhouses. Athlete's foot is commonly confused with people just thinking they have cracking and dry feet, but in most cases this condition is athlete's foot.
A bunion is an enlargement of bone or tissue around the joint at the base of the big toe. The big toe may turn in toward the second toe (angulation), and the tissues surrounding the joint may be swollen and tender. Bunions, referred to in the medical community as Hallux Valgus.
The formation of calluses is caused by an accumulation of dead skin cells that harden and thicken over an area of the foot. This callus formation isthe body's defense mechanism to protect the foot against excessive pressure and friction. Calluses are normally found on the ball-of-the-foot, the heel, and/or the inside of the big toe.
Diabetic Footwear
Sometimes referred to as extra depth or therapeutic shoes, are specially designed shoes or inserts intended to reduce the risk of skin breakdown in diabetics with co-existing foot disease.
Diabetic Foot Infections
Is an umbrella term for foot problems in patients with diabetes mellitus. Due to arterial abnormalities and diabetic neuropathy, as well as a tendency to delayed wound healing, infection or gangrene of the foot is relatively common.
Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Ten to Fifteen per cent of diabetic patients develop foot ulcers at some point in their lives and foot related problems are responsible for up to 50% of diabetes related hospital admissions.
Flat Feet
The arch of your foot is its main supportive structure. If this arch loses strength, the bony framework begins to collapse, causing your foot to flatten. Like a sagging bridge, the weakness in the middle strains the joints at both ends of your foot. If flat feet are diagnosed at an early age, chances are good that non surgical treatment, such as strapping, custom shoe inserts (orthotics), or medication can help the problem.
Foot Injury
The metatarsus consists of the five long bones of the foot . Stress fractures are thought to account for 16% of injuries related to sports preparation, and the metatarsals are most often involved.
A stress fracture is one common type of incomplete fracture in bones. It is caused by "unusual or repeated stress". This is in contrast to other types of fractures, which are usually characterized by a solitary, severe impact and typically occurs in weight-bearing bones, such as the bones of the foot.
Fungal Nails
The nail plate can have a thickened, yellow, or cloudy appearance. The nails can become rough and crumbly, or can separate from the nail bed.
Heel and Arch Pain
One cause of heel and arch pain, Sever's disease, is directly related to overuse of the bone and tendons in the heel. This can come from playing sports (i.e. soccer, basketball, lacrosse, track and field) or anything that involves lots of heel movements.
Ingrown Nails
Ingrowing nails is a common form of nail disease. It is an often painful condition in which the nail grows or cuts into one or both sides of the nail bed. While ingrown nails can occur in both the nails of the hand and feet, they occur most commonly with toenails.
Nerve Impingement
Tarsal tunnel syndrome is a painful foot condition in which the tibial nerve is impinged and compressed as it travels through the tarsal tunnel. Patients complain typically of numbness in the foot, radiating to the big toe and the first 3 toes, pain, burning, electrical sensations, and tingling over the base of the foot and the heel.
A neuroma is a painful growth of nerve tissue in the foot - and most often between the third and fourth toe bones. It forms when feet press together and irritate a nerve (e.g., by tight or poorly fitting shoes, or repeated stress to the foot).
Pediatric Flat Feet
Because young children are unlikely to suspect or identify flat feet on their own, it is a good idea for parents or other adult caregivers to check on this themselves. Besides visual inspection, parents should notice whether a child begins to walk oddly, for example on the outer edges of the feet, or to limp, during long walks, and to ask the child whether he or she feels foot pain or fatigue during such walks.
Pediatric High Arch
Is much less common than flat feet and the cause may be neurological, orthopedic or neuromuscular. Unlike most cases of flat feet, (pes cavus) can be painful because of metatarsal compression. People with (pes cavus) have trouble finding shoes that fit and may require support in their shoes.
Plantar Fasciitis Pain
With plantar fasciitis, the bottom or your foot may hurt when you stand, especially in the morning. Pain usually occurs on the inside of the foot near the spot where your heel and arch meet. Pain may lessen after a few steps but comes back after rest or with prolonged movement.
Plantar Warts
A wart is an infection caused by a virus, which can invade your skin through small cuts or breaks. Over time, the wart develops into a hard, rough growth on the surface of the skin. A plantar wart most commonly seen on the bottom of the foot can also appear on the top.
Soft Tissue Masses
Soft tissue therapy (STT) is the assessment , treatment and management of soft tissue injury, pain and dysfunction primarily of the neuromusculoskeletal system. Patients presenting with a specific complaint/s will generally undergo a number of assessments that will each provide information about the client's soft tissue status. These assessments are conducted according to the client's presenting signs and symptoms.
Sports Medicine
Sports medicine specializes in preventing, diagnosing and treating injuries related to participating in sports and/or exercise, specifically the rotation or deformation of joints or muscles caused by engaging in such physical activities.
A sprain is an injury to ligaments caused by a sudden overstretching. The ligament is usually only stretched, but if it is completely torn, a longer period of immobilization and surgical repair may be necessary.
Symptoms can vary from an ache or pain and stiffness to the local area of the tendon, or a burning that surrounds the whole joint around the inflamed tendon. With this condition, the pain is usually worse during and after activity, and the tendon and joint area can become stiffer the following day as swelling impinges on the movement of the tendon.
Tired Burning Feet
The burning heat is usually limited to the soles of the feet, but may extend up to the ankles or lower legs of some patients. The burning can sometimes be accompanied by feelings of 'pins and needles' or tingling in these regions.